Crafting Room & Inspiration Board.
After figuring out what crafting means to me my husband decided to make me a deal;
If he could move our 2 computer desks into the living room then he would help me create a crafting room upstairs in (what was before the change) the stock/computer/workroom.
And so we did.
I went looking for the perfect idea's to design the room and he did al the hard work.
My bookcases (Billy/IKEA) that used to be in the living room moved upstaires, which I really like.
Some of the big closets (PAX/IKEA) stayed, holding the laundry dryer and some other workstuff.
And we bought some new cabinets and a desk (Expedit/IKEA) to complete the room.
So, the furniture was finished, now I had to unpack all the boxes and give everything a place.
I'm almost finished and at last, I can really call it my own little crafting room!
The thing that was still missing was a inspiration board.
I never knew this is what is was called along the crafting community.
Without knowing I have always been busy with inspiration boards and even inspiration walls, a place to collect the objects that inspire you in your work or day-to-day life.
So, this week, I finished my design for the board and we placed it on the wall.
Here are some picture's of the crafting room;
(I just LOVE IKEA! Did you notice?)
My new expedit cabinets & desk. |
The vintage trunk underneath holds my unfinished projects. |
A close-up from a part of the storage of crafting-supplies. |
Underneath the desk are still some unpacked boxes and an old trunk that I want to overhaul. |
Some clever storage and a framed puzzle. I absolutely love the picture on the puzzle!
We made the puzzle together last winter (2010), it's a 2000 piece puzzle and it took us a while to finish it. |
Next to my desk is my little girls desk (Lack/IKEA) and chair (Mammut/IKEA). It has a little storage unit (Bygel/IKEA) on the wall which holds her krayons, big pencils and markers. On her desk is the purple box I made with her small pencills & erasers.
The bookcases (on the right) hold my book collection as well as storage boxes. |
Since my little girl is my biggest inspiration I found it only fitting to hang the new inspiration board above her little desk. It's exists out of 2 notice boards which I painted. |
I used the "Dark Dudes" thin-plates, that we already had for a long time but never really found a place for, as a base for the coloring. And the first edition to the board was of course the March 12 tags of 2012 I made for the Tim Holtz challenge. |
Because we really want to move to another house we didn't paint the walls.
Although it might take a while before we are able to move, we just don't want to spend to much money in our current home.
When we move however, it will be into a bigger house (one with an attic!) and there the attic will become the crafting-room. (including the laudry-dryer and stuff, but that's fine by me!)
I'm sure that the walls of that attic won't be white for a very long time!
I would love some purple and maybe even dark-red on the walls to pull it all together and make it completely my own.
But for now, I am absolutely excited with the result and it already made my crafting adventure a lot easier!
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.
Art is knowing which ones to keep.
Tim Holtz